The thermal transmittance (U-value) can easily be calculated and estimated for homogeneous materials and constructions by manually calculating the insulation value for each layer. However, it becomes more complex when accessing the U-value for inhomogeneous constructions. For example in cases where the insulation is placed at the soffit of a concrete roof with the concrete beams penetrating the insulation as shown in the figure.

The best option for determining the U-value of these inhomogeneous constructions is to perform steady-state finite-element computer simulations, either 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional, if you are not an expert in such simulations, we can assist you by producing a full simulation report on demand for only USD49.

The U-value report can be used to show compliance vis-à-vis the building code and/or green building certification requirements. For example, in Malaysia, U-value compliance to MS1525 U-value requirements for roofs and the Green Building Index (GBI) Credit Requirements.
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