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Chi phí đắt đỏ không có nghĩa là tiết kiệm năng lượng

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

IEN Consultants was invited to speak at the "Green Affordable Housing" conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. The talk was entitled "Expensive not to be energy efficient" (Chi phí đắt đỏ không có nghĩa là tiết kiệm năng lượng) and focused on the successful energy efficient building policies of Denmark, which include mandatory energy labeling of buildings and a building energy code that requires near zero-energy buildings by 2020. The presentation also showed successful energy efficient building projects by IEN Consultants in South-East Asia, where the additional cost for energy efficient and green buildings is about 3% of the construction cost and the payback time only about 3 years.

Five Vietnamese television stations, Hanoi TV, VITV, TV Info, Invest Cable TV and Truyen picture, covered the talk by IEN and the conference itself.

  • Download presentation in Vietnamese (click).

  • Download presentation in English (click).

  • Interview with Gregers (IEN) on Hanoi TV, start from 11:10 (click).


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