IEN Consultants continue to support the SP (Sustainability Program) of the Malaysia Ministry of Health by providing green building certification training to LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) O+M and MyCREST (Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool) to Sabah State Heath Department officers and Sedafiat (facility management company).
The training was conducted by IEN Consultants lead trainer Suwan Bonma (USGBC Faculty member), there were around 50 attendees consisting of Hospital facility managers and engineering heads from all the hospitals in Sabah.
The training was coupled with a technical visit to Hospital Sultanah Maliha, Langkawi, the first ever government hospital to achieve LEED GOLD v4 O+M certification.
IEN Consultants were working with Sedafiat Sdn Bhd in the implementation of LEED Certification of Hospital Wanita Dan Kanak-Kanak Sabah (Hospital Likas) which aspired to be the first Green hospital in Sabah.
