IEN was happy to see two of our green building projects win at the malaysiaGBC Leadership in Sustainability Awards 2020, namely in the category "Best New Green Commercial Building" (Sausana PjH, Lot 2C5) and in the category "Best New Green Factory" (Paramit - factory in the forest). YB Yeo Bee Yin was presenting the awards in this online event. Congratulations to all the winners and the teams behind.
malaysiaGBC facebook post (click)

MalaysiaGBC leadership in sustainability awards 2020. YB Yeo Bee Yin presenting awards.

MalaysiaGBC leadership in sustainability awards 2020. Best New Green Commercial Building. Suasana PjH, Lot 2C5.

MalaysiaGBC leadership in sustainability awards 2020. Best New Green Factory. Paramit - factory in the forest.