Hospital Bintulu
Bintulu Hospital is the fourth largest hospital in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Bintulu Hospital is developed on 21 May 2000 and has been initiated to meet the needs of the growing population and also to reduce the influx of patients in Bintulu.
Bintulu Hospital is equipped with a fully computerized system namely Hospital Information System (HIS). HIS is a comprehensive integrated information system designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of the hospital. Bintulu Hospital is one of the three public hospitals in Malaysia selected to fully implement this system.
Bintulu Hospital offers a wide range of medical treatments, from general treatments to specialists, which include obstetrics & gynecology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, surgery and pediatric services.
Innovative Sustainability Features
1. An Energy Star rating of 100 is achieved, making the hospital a top performer under the Energy Star Portfolio Manager with an Energy Utilization Index (EUI) of 3.98GJ/m2, which is 44% lower than the median EUI (7.16GJ/m2) of hospitals in the US.
2. Achieved an Alternative Transportation Rate of 11.7% - this takes into consideration the reduced transport impact achieved from employees that live within the hospital grounds/ quarters, reducing the needs for daily commute.
3. Native and low maintenance landscaping comprises 30% of the total site area.
4. 31% reduction in indoor water use against the EPA baseline with the use of efficient water fittings and harvested rainwater for flushing.
5. 90% reduction in outdoor water use against the US EPA baseline through the selection of native, low water demand plant species, and the use of harvested rainwater for irrigation purposes.
Certifications & Awards
1st green hospital in Sawarak with LEED v4 O+M certified
Project Location:
Bintulu, Sarawak
Building completed in 2000
LEED v4 O+M existing building certification in 2022
Project Team:
Client: Malaysia Ministry of Health
FM: One Medicare Sdn Bhd
LEED Consultant: IEN Consultants Sdn Bhd
IEN Project Team Members:
Suwan Bonma
Joshua Chia
Project Size: